Tony Buzan , the inventor of Mind Map s, tells Martin Ashcro ft how he is helping industrialist manage change by unlocking the creative power of the brain Mankind maps its history through progression of ages; the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, and more recently, the Industrial Age and the Information Age. When something new happens, we draw a line and start a new age. In this kind of context, it’s easy to think that one age has to end before another begins. But Tony Buzan takes issue with linear thinking, in more ways than one. It’s the wrong tool for the demands of our constantly changing modern world, he believes. The arrival of the Information Age, he asserts, is but a new aspect of the existing Industrial Age. We need a new model to cope with the challenges that face us today. "Industry has been thought of in recent times as sheer production manufacturing and not so creative as the computer side/service side," he began. "If you look at the history of...